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Data Bulk data upload tool allows you to add Organisations/Contacts/Assessments in bulk but can be also used as a tool to update information on the system in bulk (e.g. changing email addresses, name of the person responsible within the organisation etc.).

For all entities there are two possible actions, "C" which signifies that the entity is to be created new, and "U" which signifies that the existing entity is to be updated. To either create or update an entity please put the corresponding letter in the action column of the CSV file.

action - U/C   (Update/Create)

organisationName - Organisation name

primaryContact - Primary Contact (within the Organisation)

personResponsible - person responsible (within your Organisation)

active - TRUE/FALSE (TRUE if Company is active/ FALSE if the company is deactivated - it will show in the Organisations tab only if you tick ‘Show deactivated’)

impact - can be number 0-5, fill in only if known; otherwise leave as 0

notes - internal notes/optional

Here is an example of a filled-in CSV file as an example:


In order to update the data in bulk, you will have to download it first. If you would like to update the Organisations you have to go to the Organisations tab, tick all or just a few chosen organisations and download CSV file as shown below.


Image Added

After you will open up the CSV file you will see all of the organisations. You will see that the 'action' column now has U instead of C. This is correct as now you want to update the CSV file.

All you have to do is change the details as needed and re-upload the CSV file again just as explained in bulk upload.

If you would like to update the Contacts you have to go to the Contacts tab and click on Download in the right top side of the contacts page as shown below. Once again, you will download CSV file that will need to be updated - you only changing details that need updating and re-upload again.
