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To view the auto-generated report just to see which questions were problematic and scored as fail/ major risk/ minor risk.

The report includes an executive summary of the assessment, its answers and scoresthe automated Rizikon scoring that was auto-generated upon the assessment submission.


Issues are categorised by their score: high/medium/low sections, where you can see their summary and answers.


There is also a tab to see all of the answers and its scores. 


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All of the report pages can also be printed or downloaded as a Word document.

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Note that if you have updated any scoring manually, you will have to re-generate the report to reflect these changes.

In order to update the report, you will have to go back to the assessment summary page on which you have the options to Approve/Reject/Send back report.


If you have updated any of the scores manually, there will be an additional message displayed below these buttons (see below).

Once you click on the ‘Update Report’ button, another report will be automatically generated and displayed below the buttons.
