Changing/adding questions conditionality

The questions (or even whole sections) of the assessment can be made conditional. That means that the question/section is dependent on an answer outcome before it will show up.

Conditions used in the assessment are written in an expression format. Conditions state the question which it is dependent on as ‘answers.questionid’ and the answer-id it is dependent on. The answer-id has different formatting in the conditional expression depending on the answer type(see below). 


Conditionalities should be placed in the Question.csv file in the conditionality column for each of the questions that should appear based on set circumstances (conditionalities) only.


Conditions based on answers from a “Mapped” question will look like this: 

answers.org_type == "other"


answers. + questionid + == "answerid"


Conditions based on answers from a “Multiple” question will look like this: 

"professional_indemnity" in answers.liability_insurance



“answerid” + in answers. + questionid

Conditions based on answers from a “bool” question will look like this: 

Note for “bool” yes = answers.questionid , no = not answers.questionid

Example of conditionality if bool question is answered YES:




answers. + questionid of the question that will trigger this particular question to appear


Changing conditionality requires assistance from the Rizikon Support team as the scoring algorithm will need updating. In order to do so though, we need to have all the essential information needed. The most efficient way would be to include all of the changes to the conditionals in the Changes Tracker table - see example below.

Example change tracker table:

Change ref


Changes made

Extra work required



Changed answer_id ‘dates’

Update report



Changed question_id ‘company_details’ from mapped to multiple

Update report



Added new question questionid (5.2.1) to come up if 5.2 is YES

Need scoring to be added
Yes - Okay

No - Fail