Creating organisations

Creating the Organisations first allows you to attach Contacts to the Organisations.

To add a new organisation, you have to click on the ‘Create Organisation’ button in the Organisations Menu. The only mandatory field is “Name” however it is best to fill as many as you can to speed up the process later.

Primary Contact (person responsible for filling in the assessment), Person Responsible (person responsible for the contract, can be internal, external or left blank) and its Impact (if you are not sure of the impact, you can leave it on ‘Medium’ by default or as ‘Unclassified’).

While creating the Organisation, you have an option to link the company to Creditsafe (should you wish to use Creditsafe built-in features), and also to choose the default Scorecard for this particular Organisation. 

To link organisation with Credit safe you have to click on the tab shown below while creating/editing the organisation - to see more about linking the Organisation to Creditsafe see here.

Default Scorecard field - you can leave it blank should you wish to; however, it makes sense to have default scorecard as something that is relevant to you in your chosen Organisation, or something general like ‘Supplier Onboarding’ or ‘General’ Scorecard.

You can click on ‘Create’ to create one organisation or tick ‘Create another Organisation’ to create another one straight after.