Review mode

When you click on the assessment name to navigate to the assessment that requires your attention, you can check the answers question by question or review all the questions on one page in the review mode.

If you choose to view in the Review Mode to see all the answers and automated scoring on one page for ease of viewing. You also have an option to manually change and override the scoring of the answer/assessment, or flag the answer/comment to get more information from the Completer should you wish to do so.

Doesnā€™t matter which view mode you will opt for, in both cases you can add comments, flag questions and override the automated scoring for the assessments (if the particular assessment allows it). Below you can see an example of review mode:

You could also choose to view the auto-generated report just to see which questions were problematic and scored as fail/ major risk/ minor risk. This report will include the automated Rizikon scoring that was auto-generated upon the assessment submission.

Please see the guide here about how to update the automated score.


Note that if you have updated any scoring manually, you will have to re-generate the report to reflect these changes.

In order to update the report, you will have to go back to the assessment summary page on which you have the options to Approve/Reject/Send back report. If you have updated any of the scores manually, there will be an additional message displayed below these buttons (see below).

Once you click on the ā€˜Update Reportā€™ button, another report will be automatically generated and displayed below the buttons.

If you would try to Approve/Reject the assessment while some of the scores were manually overridden, but you did not generate the new report (which could potentially change the outcome and therefore your final decision) the system will detect that and prompt you with a pop-up message informing about this.

If you click on the ā€˜Cancelā€™ button you will be taken back to the assessment summary screen and you can update the report to the new version and review it.

If for any reason you wish not to update the report and not take manually overridden scores into the account, then you can choose to ā€˜Use last report and continueā€™ with the Approve/Reject action.

If you would like to find out more about Approve/Reject actions or change its wording please see the linked articles.