Creating and sending assessments in bulk

 You can use this feature to create and add the assessments to the system in bulk. Assessments created this way will show up in the ‘Assessments’ page with ‘Draft’ status, where you can select them and send them to the Completers (they won’t be sent automatically).

Creating Assessments

In order to do so, download the Assessments Template, fill it in accordingly to the template layout and fill in the CSV file.

An example of filled-in Assessments bulk upload filled-in CSV file template:

action - in bulk upload of data, this field would always have value C

assessmentName - usually it is ‘organisationName/questionSet

completerEmail - Completers' email address

additionalCompleters - additional completers' email address (separated by a comma if more than one additional completer)

assessorEmail - Assessors' email address

additionalAssessors - Additional assessors' email address (separated by a comma if more than one additional assessor)

organisationName - organisation name

renewalDate - we suggest to set up the renewal date of the assessment, for reference (optional, can be left blank)

submissionTargetDate - suggested target date by which the assessment need to be submitted to you by the Completer (optional, can be left blank)

decisionTargetDate - suggested target date by which the assessment should be assessed by the Assessor within your organisation (optional, can be left blank)

score - this should be left blank

notes - internal notes on the assessment that will be visible to all Managers on the system (optional, can be left blank)

externalNotes - external notes on the assessment that will be visible to the Completers (helpful to include notes like ‘Please complete by XYZ date’)

questionSet - name of the question set used (e.g. Supplier Onboarding/Modern Slavery/GDPR Data Processor/Bribery and Corruption/Security Low Risk/Security High Risk etc)

The assessments will be created as drafts ready to send, bear in mind that the system will not send out these assessments automatically. 

Sending assessments in bulk

To send out the assessments in bulk you have to first filter them out by going to the ‘Assessments’ tab and filtering assessments by status ‘Draft’. You should tick all tick boxes that are corresponding to the assessments that you want to send out, and click on the option shown in the picture below. 




To find out how to renew assessments in bulk please see the guide here.