Changing answer type

To change answer type you will need to open:

  1. Questions.csv

There are several question types that can be used within the assessment:

  • Freetext

Freetext is a simple answer type that enables completers to input free text. These questions cannot be scored, and therefore will always be scored as ‘Info’ only

This is an example of a Freetext answer type in an assessment:

This is the same question in the CSV file:

  • Bool

Bool is  a simple Yes/No answer type. This question type can be scored.
This is an example of a Bool answer type in an assessment:

This is the same question in the CSV file:



  • Mapped

Mapped is a single choice answer from multiple options.  This answer type can be scored.

This is an example of a Mapped answer type in an assessment:

This is the same question in the CSV file:



  • Multiple
    Multiple choice is a multiple choice answer option where you can choose multiple answers.  This question type can be scored.

This is an example of a Multiple answer type in an assessment:

This is the same question in the CSV file:

With multiple or mapped choices of answers you can decide to use an answer id (set of answers that is repeated throughout the assessment in some of the questions). 


  • Combined

Combined question is a mix of two (or more) types of answers. This answer type can be scored except for freetext answers. The score will also show for the entire question.
Example below shows Combined question including two bool questions:

This is how it looks on the app:

This is the same question in the CSV file:

In combined types of questions it is important to note that the combined questions need to share a “parent” questionid.  To create a sub-question id a “.” is added to the parent-id and then the questionid follows. In the example above the ‘parent’ combined questionid is court_actions_and_rulings whereas the bool sub-question id’s are court_actions_and_rulings.court_action and court_actions_and_rulings.court_ruling.

To change the question type you will need to open the questions.csv file (see example below) and in the column “answer type” change to desired answer type from the list above.


Note: when changing question type (for example from mapped to bool), you have to change questionid as well.

Save the file as a Comma-separated values (.csv) file. Depending on the software you may need to export it as a .csv file. You may now zip the file and re-upload (or upload the whole folder).

If you would like to find out how to change answers options choice see the article


  • range

Range question is a number range freetext type of answer. This answer type can be scored for example based on the number input, but you can also set range (example from 1 to 100) if you choose to. The user will be able to input numbers only.

The example below is a question about the number of employees with the range set from 0 to 2000000000


This is how it looks on the app: