Adding a new question

To add a question you will need to open:

  1. Questions.csv

  2. questiondescriptions.csv

In order to add a new question, you have to:

  • Add a new row for the new question in the Question.CSV file (please bear in mind that the flow of the CSV file is the same as the assessment

  • Create a new and unique question id 

  • Use the same section id as the section you want the question to appear in

  • Fill in at minimum:  question id, section id, question, attachment and answer type (you may need more information depending on type of question and conditionality)

  • Make sure to amend any assessment numbering while adding extra questions so it shows properly once changed

  • Open questiondescriptions.csv

  • Copy the question id (from questions.csv) and past it into a new row in questionsdescriptions.csv

  • Adjacent to the question id write in the question text