Usage Statistics

Usage statistics page allows you to see all of the details of your subscription.

In order to see the Usage statistics option displayed, you have to have an ‘Admin’ role assigned to your account.

To get to the usage statistics page you have to navigate to the ‘Summary’ page and click on the ‘Usage Statistics’ on the left side of the 6x6 Organisation Criticality Dashboard.


Once you are in the Usage Statistics page you can see the details of your subscription:

  • Subscription start date

  • Subscription renewal date

  • Assessments details:

Your assessments limit per subscription period/How many assessments you have sent/How many you have left

  • Suppliers (Organisations) details:
    Your suppliers limit per subscription period/How many suppliers you have set up/How many you have left

  • Contacts (Managers) details:
    Your managers limit per subscription period/How many managers contacts you have set up/How many you have left

  • Contacts (Assessors) details:
    Your assessors limit per subscription period/How many assessors you have set up/How many you have left

  • Contacts (Completers) details:
    Your assessors limit per subscription period/How many completers you have set up/How many you have left

  • Breakdown of your assessments usage split into view for all of the assessments that are available to you (How many have been created/Sent out/Submitted/Closed)

  • Breakdown of all Suppliers (Organisations):
    How many were created/Had assessment sent/Have submitted the assessment back to you/Had assessment reviewed by you

  • Breakdown of all Contacts:
    All Contacts/Created/Logged in/Have been assigned the assessment

Managers/Created/Logged in/Have been assigned the assessment

Assessors/Created/Logged in/Have been assigned the assessment

Completers/Created/Logged in/Have been assigned the assessment