Report sharing - Assessor

Report sharing function enables you to share the full automated report with the completer.

Reports sharing are switched off by default, but you can switch them on to either:

  • Allow reports to be manually shared with the completers. - to allow your assessors to manually share chosen full report with the completer.

  • Automatically share reports to completers upon Approve, Reject or Send-Back actions. - to allow automated report sharing with the completer upon assessment Approval/Rejection/Send back action.

To enable automatic report sharing please see the article about Application Settings and Admin User capabilities.

If you will choose to enable only to Allow reports to be manually shared with the completers you can then share reports manually with the completer once you are done assessing. To do that, you simply need to go to the assessment summary page and flip the toggle next to the chosen report to be highlighted in orange.
