
Rizikon has a darkbeam integration to allow Managers to carry out cybersecurity vulnerability tests on a domain. The cybersecurity vulnerability tests are linked to the platformed using an API and you will receive a summary of the scores. 

Every domain starts at zero, and the more issues and vulnerabilities detected, the higher the score. To perform a Cyber Risk Ratings lookup on a third party, enter the domain name in the 'domain' field when creating/editing the Organisation.


A domain scan takes about 3-5 seconds and once completed it will appear in the organisation details. A scan will automatically be performed every 30 days, however you can trigger another scan by clicking on the refresh button.

Domain scanning can also be carried in bulk. Bulk domain scanning can be carried out through organisation bulk upload or through the organisations page. Bulk domain scanning on existing organisations is managed in the organisation page, to do this select the organisations to scan and then select ‘Scan domains’.


To unlink the organisation with Darkbeam you have to go to Organisations -> choose the organisation you wish to unlink with Darkbeam -> ‘Edit’ -> and clear the text in the domain field .


A darkbeam scorecard is also available to view score in a graphical form and see additional information risk information.