Contact details panel

In the Contact Details Panel you can see all the Contact Details: Name, Email address, Account Settings, Security Status, see if the user is using Two Factor Authentication, which Organisation user is employed by and user Capabilities.

Contact details view also allows you to edit contact details, add extra user capabilities, change user status – for instance it can be ‘deleted’ or ‘blocked if you wish to delete the user or block/unblock the user.

If you would like to add a manager/assessor user capability to the contact you have to go to Add Capabilities and choose the desired option.

There is an option here to ‘Send Reset Password Email’ if the user has forgotten their password.

If the user needs a 2FA reset you can do this on the contact details page as well, however, this will be only active if the user has already 2FA set up on their account already (it will be highlighted in green if available).

On here you can also view all of the contact’s assessments and remove user security block which similarly to the 2FA reset will be only highlighted in green and active if the user managed to type in their password wrong multiple times and therefore got security blocked.